
Meet the Stylist: Justine from Sensationally Sweet Events



Whilst Sensationally Sweet Events is a relatively new business venture for Justine, she has been working in events for years (as it turns out, we have crossed paths in our former lives, rather my former life in corporate events, Justine is still holding rank in a fabulous Surfers Paradise Venue). When you see her work, you can see that the years of industry experience has done its due course for establishing a well rounded and very well considered stylist.

I am a huge fan of Justine’s eclectic style. Her work lends to layers of decor, which is executed beautifully in telling the story of the theme. I love that she uses pieces out of context yet it all still seems to fit so perfectly, for example a frame as a platter or jellybeans to line the plates.

I really look forward to seeing more events from Justine and I hope you enjoy her interview as much as I did.

Describe your style in five words?

Experimental, instinctive, evolving, eclectic & organised

What has been your favourite theme/event to date?

My favourite party I have styled so far would be the girly bridal shower I styled recently for my friend Zoe. I am the mum of 3 young boys so have not had very much opportunity to “do girly” before. There was lots of pink & florals – heaven!

Where do you look for inspiration?

I get inspiration all over the place, definitely from admiring the work of other stylists on blogs and Facebook (I can get lost on-line for hours at a time jumping from link to link) I have also found inspiration for party props in the strangest places such as taking a morning walk and finding old pieces of fencing or strangely shaped sticks and wondering how I could use those things on an upcoming table. I am a tragic garage sale and op shop enthusiast too – I just can’t walk past the chance to make something new and unexpected out of something old

Name one of your all time favourite event décor elements.

Hard to name just one! I guess I would have to say the humble old wooden crate – I own a few and have used them on quite a lot of my tables, I love them because they are functional in that you can sit things on them or in them, they add height and dimension to the table plus they have character and I guess they just suit my decorating style

What is your number one piece of advice for planning an event?

Be organised! I am the queen of writing lists plus I often have the “bare bones” of multiple tables set up in different areas of my house for several weeks in advance so that I can determine what equipment I am going to use on what table and what else I might need to source (I don’t like leaving things to the last minute – it stresses me out!!)

For more info, visit: http://www.facebook.com/sensationallysweetevents

Photography Credits: Mr and Mrs Smith Photography

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