
Meet the Stylist: Gillian Brown from Crumbs of Comfort


Baker and Stylist are definitely two passions which go hand in hand, so when you can combine your two loves into one business…well lets say your on your way to capturing a pretty good piece of the event market. So when I discovered that Gillian from Crumbs of Comfort was creating beautiful events utilising both of her passions, I was well impressed!!

We met Gillian earlier in the piece when she shared her oh so Yummy Rocky Road Recipe. And I was so thrilled when Gillian agreed to come back to the red elephant blog to share her secret to her fabulous styling. It seems Gillian’s talents haven’t gone unnoticed with another 13 events (and climbing) on her books for the next two months, Gillian is one very busy Girl!

Describe your style in five words? Delicious, allergy aware, clean, expressive, evolving.

What has been your favourite theme/event to date?

It’s hard to choose a favourite but I would have to say styling my Daughter Daisy’s sixth birthday.  She has anaphylaxis to peanuts and her friend has celiac, so seeing them enjoy a beautiful, delicious nut and gluten free table where nothing was off limits was special.

Where do you look to for inspiration?

I can draw inspiration from literally anything!  Fabric, cards, gardens, anything.  That’s why I ALWAYS carry a small camera, notebook and pen in my handbag.

Name one of your all time favourite event décor elements? What is that makes this element so fabulous? 

If I had to choose my absolute favourite it would have to be, without a doubt, edible glitter.  I have it around 100 various colours and finishes.   My favourite is hologram disco violet.  Using fabrics to add textures is a very close second.

What is your number one piece of advice for planning an event?

Organisation and communication is key to planning and styling a successful  party.

Like ‘Crumbs of Comfort on Facebook: www.facebook.com/crumbsofcomfortcakedesign

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