
New online store is stocking up!

Hi Everyone, Just a quick note to say our online store is coming together. I am keeping it open as I add new products each day so you can check back and see us grow! Whilst we will be offering the usual with Vintage style straws (our very own brand I might add!) along with […]

{Client Event Feature} Mick & Holly’s Vintage Wedding


Last year I received a phone call from one of my favourite clients, Melissa from The Sweet Society in Melbourne. It was on the eve of breathing life into my new brand Penny Lane Studio. ‘I have a brief for vintage wedding. Nothing too flowery. I am thinking Navy, Doilies and Burlap’. Together we went to […]

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Elementor #663

Elementor #663 Elevate Your Celebrations with OUR Cake Stands Every cake, be it an intricate wedding centerpiece or a delightful dessert for a party, deserves its own pedestal. At PennyLane Studio, we believe in the art of presentation. Our curated collection of cake stands offers the perfect elevation to spotlight your sweet creations. Whether you’re […]

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